Yamadon Statue
Pacific Shard, Season 5, 2007.
Yamadon Statue is a unique named statue. It was given as the 3rd place prize in the Greymason's Archery Contest to RIDDICK. This may not be the real name of the statue, as it was not documented properly at the time.
All of the prizes in this archery contest:
- 1st place - Target Dummy (resembles a scarecrow)
- 2nd place - Kaji The Archmage Statue
- 3rd place - statue of a Yamandon - Real name is missing
- 4th place - Golden Phoenix Statue
- 5th and 6th place - A Statue Of A Tsuki Wolf
- 7th and 8th place - White Stag Statue
src: Order of the Eight Virtues
1 of these were originally created.