


Brokered Sale
This item is for sale by the owner of the item. It is in the hands of the owner, who may have a set price, or may be looking for an offer. I reserve the right to work out commision with the owner or the buyer for my services of negotiating and time involved as well as risks. Most of these owners wish to remain private parties. I will not broker this unless the buyer has a well known reputation and or has done business with me many times. The negotiations and delivery time depends a lot on availability of all parties.
Doggy Duped
Doggy duped items were created through an exploit.
Clicky (*)
This symbol indicates that this item is a "Clicky". Meaning that the item was given out by people double clicking an object, and the item would appear in the backpacks. Usually this item is one per character or one per account. Thus it is impossible to know how many of these items were created originally, nor do we know how many are out there. We can however estimate from time to time if there is an abundance of this item, or if the item is fairly rare.
A Japanese war fan