
Gift Box (Angel Gift Box)

Gift Box (Angel Gift Box)

Angel Gift Box -Two toned reddish/Pink/brownish

Angel Gift box, two toned. When opened it shows an angel on the outside of the box. This item can be locked down and or locked down and secured. It acts like a regular box and can hold 125 items. It can not be insured or blessed, and will fall to the corpse and be lootable if the player carrying it dies. It can also be stolen by a thief if carried in the backpack in Felucca, or by a guildmember or alliance.


During the Holiday season of 2009 (Publush 63)  holiday tickets were given out until January 25, 2010. The tickets must have been received during that time, but could be redeemed with no deadline. Each ticket had a gift selection.

  • Snow Statue
  • Nutcracker
  • Icicles
  • a pot of eggnot
  • a deed for a holiday tree

Once a selection was made a Gift Box would appear in the players backpack. Sometimes the gift box would be a rare "angel Gift Box" The two-toned Angel gift boxes even rarer and more desirable.
